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Vivian Lux

author : Vivian Lux

Vivian Lux is the pen-name of a real person named Theresa Leigh. After five years of writing romance, she decided to own up to how she was spending her all time. Her mother now knows all about the kinds of books she writes. She reacted more positively to it than Theresa expected. \n\nTheresa lives and writes in the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York State (not the city) (that distinction is important to her), where she lives with her husband, twin sons and twin orange cats, Pumpkin and Jackie O’Lantern\n\nKeep in touch! Sign up here to be included on my mailing list! You’ll receive new release alerts, get access to bonus materials and exclusive giveaways, and hear about sales and freebies first!

Vivian Lux Book Series